5 Reasons Why Your Capital Raising Campaign Needs Its Own Identity

July 23, 2024

In the competitive world of capital raising, standing out from the crowd isn't just an advantage—it's a necessity. As more companies turn to equity crowdfunding for their capital-raising needs, establishing a unique and memorable brand identity for your campaign has never been more critical. But why exactly is having your own distinct identity so crucial? Let's dive into five reasons that underscore the importance of brand identity in capital raising, and how it can make or break your campaign's success.

The Importance of Brand Identity in Capital Raising

Before we delve into the specific reasons, let's take a moment to understand what we mean by "brand identity" in the context of capital raising. Your campaign's brand identity is more than just a logo or a color scheme—it's the complete package of visual, emotional, and informational elements representing your company and your offering to potential investors. It's the story you tell, the values you embody, and the unique value proposition you present to the market.

When an investor decides to back your company, they’re placing their trust in all these elements and more—which is why it’s so important that your brand identity is powerful, authentic, and cohesive.

This is challenging to accomplish on traditional equity crowdfunding portals, where your offering is just one of many competing for investors’ attention. These platforms use the same template for every offering page, making it even harder to stand out. That's why many entrepreneurs, including Mode Mobile’s founder and CEO Dan Novaes, are turning instead to self-hosted capital-raising solutions like DealMaker.

As Dan puts it:

"I wouldn't launch a Squarespace website for my $50 million a year business. Squarespace is fine but it's not where you go with a serious business—you graduate to a different level. Crowdfunding platforms are easy if you're just testing something out, but if you're serious about something, if you're committed, you should be investing in the larger opportunity."

This insight emphasizes the importance of choosing a platform that aligns with the seriousness and scale of your capital-raising efforts. In an era where investors are bombarded with countless investment opportunities, your brand identity serves as a beacon, guiding the right investors to your campaign. This is why a self-hosted solution that gives you full control over your brand presentation is crucial for successful capital acquisition.

With that in mind, let's explore the five key reasons why your campaign needs its own identity.

Reason 1: Stand Out in a Crowded Market

The first and perhaps most obvious reason for developing a strong brand identity for your capital-raising campaign is to differentiate yourself in an increasingly crowded market. On crowdfunding portals—which typically host dozens or hundreds of offerings at once—companies have to compete for traffic, attention, and capital. Furthermore, portals typically have a standardized template for offering pages, making it much harder for your brand to shine. Without a distinct identity, your campaign risks becoming just another face in the crowd.

Self-hosting allows you to build your offering page exactly how you want it. Custom branding gives your investors a seamless, cohesive experience—not to mention a pitch that packs a punch.

The difference is most obvious with issuers that have done it both ways: on a marketplace-style platform, and on DealMaker’s tech. Take LiquidPiston, for example. LiquidPiston develops innovative rotary engines that are more efficient, compact, and powerful than traditional internal combustion engines—so much so that they’ve earned over $30M in government contracts to bring them to market.

LiquidPiston has raised capital online five times so far—four on marketplace-style platforms, and the latest round using our tech. Here’s what their offering page looked like before they switched to self-hosted:

Screenshot of LiquidPistons investment page on a marketplace-style platform with an image of one of their products,  their current amount raised, and an invest now button.
LiquidPiston's page on a marketplace-style platform

And here’s what their self-hosted page looked like, powered by DealMaker:

GIF of LiquidPiston's self-hosting page using DealMaker technology with a video showcasing what their product(s) are capable of, and a button that says invest now.
LiquidPiston's self-hosted page, powered by DealMaker

Everything about this page was carefully chosen to match LiquidPiston’s branding—not just their fonts and colors, but their story, their vision, and the incredible potential of their tech. It’s a visual hook that is immediately eye-catching. The pitch video, or sizzle reel, is both beautifully-produced and informative, giving potential investors a fascinating first impression without their needing to scroll. LiquidPiston’s self-hosted offering brought in over $30M in investment—more than all its previous rounds combined.

Effective branding is absolutely essential when selling anything online, including equity. The quality of your pitch page can make or break your campaign—which is why it’s so important to be able to customize it.

A well-crafted brand identity, presented on a platform you control, not only helps you cut through the noise but also allows you to gather valuable first-party data on how investors interact with your brand. This data can be instrumental in refining your approach and improving your capital raising success.

Reason 2: Build Stronger Connections with Potential Investors

Your brand identity is more than just a set of fonts, colors, and visual guidelines—it's a powerful tool for building emotional connections with potential investors. People invest in ideas and companies they believe in—especially in the private markets, which are more speculative and long-term. Your brand identity is your opportunity to showcase your company's values, mission, and vision in a way that resonates with your target investors.

A good brand establishes trust with investors. Think of it as the digital equivalent of a "firm handshake" and a strong first impression. The visual representation of your brand establishes this connection with the audience. It allows you to tell your story, share your passion, and demonstrate why your company is not just a good investment, but a meaningful one.

For instance, a health tech company raising capital might use their brand identity to emphasize their commitment to improving patient outcomes. Through carefully chosen imagery, personal stories from beneficiaries, and a tone that balances professionalism with compassion, they can create an emotional connection with investors who are motivated by the potential for positive social impact.

Reason 3: Maintain Consistency Across All Touchpoints

In the digital age, potential investors may encounter your capital-raising campaign through various channels—your campaign page, social media, email communications, press releases, paid ads, and more. A well-defined brand identity ensures consistency across all these touchpoints, creating a seamless and professional experience for investors.

With DealMaker’s integrated CRM designed specifically for capital raising, you can ensure that consistency extends through all your communications throughout the investor journey, from initial interest to final investment.

Consistency in your brand identity builds trust and reinforces your message. When investors see the same visual elements, tone of voice, and key messages–whether they're reading your campaign page, following you on social media, or receiving an email update–it creates a sense of coherence and reliability. This consistency reassures investors that you have a clear vision and the organizational skills to execute it.

Moreover, a consistent brand identity helps with recognition and recall. The more consistent your branding, the more likely investors are to remember your company when making investment decisions or recommending opportunities to others.

Reason 4: Increase Memorability and Recall

In a sea of investment opportunities, being memorable is crucial. While many investors do convert the first time they see a strong offering, it’s also very common to need a few different touchpoints first. Due to its illiquid nature, an equity investment can be a big decision; it’s understandable for people to want to sleep on it. A strong, unique brand identity significantly increases the chances that investors will remember your company and your offering. This memorability can be the difference between an investor coming back to your campaign or forgetting all about it.

Effective brand identities often incorporate unique visual elements, catchy slogans, or innovative presentation styles that stick in investors' minds. These memorable elements become mental shortcuts, allowing investors to quickly recall your company and its value proposition.

Boxabl is a great example of this strategy. Here’s a glimpse of their homepage:

GIF of Boxabls homepage showing a video of their product - building a house out of a box
Boxabl's homepage

What makes this company’s branding so memorable? A few things jump out:

  • The full-width gif is powerful yet simple—in just a few seconds, you “get” what Boxabl does
  • Their logo is on all the building materials, giving the viewer the sense that they’ve now seen it in situ as well as online
  • That bold pop of gold is strategically placed throughout, from the logo to the house’s front door, guiding your eye to each of the separate elements
  • Their tagline is simple, direct, and catchy
  • And of course, the logo itself. Clean, sleek, modern, but so much more illustrative than just text.

The end result is a powerful impression that lasts.  When an investor later thinks about investing in tech, these memorable brand elements could bring this particular startup to mind first.

Reason 5: Demonstrate Professionalism and Credibility

Last but certainly not least, a well-crafted brand identity demonstrates professionalism and enhances your credibility in the eyes of potential investors. In the world of investments, trust is paramount. Being showcased on a crowded portal creates brand risk – who knows what kind of company will be next to yours? Nothing erodes investors’ trust quite like seeing your offering next to a brand that doesn't match the caliber of your company.

Self-hosting greatly reduces that risk, giving you complete control over your brand environment. This not only demonstrates professionalism but also allows you to create a tailored, high-quality experience for potential investors that truly reflects the caliber of your offering.

A polished, consistent, and thoughtful brand identity signals to investors that you're serious about your venture. It shows that you've put time, effort, and resources into presenting yourself professionally—qualities that investors like to see in the companies they back.

Another key benefit: hosting your raise on your own website makes your ad spend work twice as hard for you. People who find your site looking for your product might see the “Invest Now” button and decide to back you; meanwhile, people who click on an ad for your offering are likely to look around and potentially even become new customers.

The founder of a consumer products company shares his experience: "In my industry, every retail investor is a potential customer, and vice versa. Anything we can learn about our investor list is incredibly valuable—we can email them, call them, educate them on our products. That's one phenomenal thing about a self-hosted platform that nobody else does… I wish we'd started with DealMaker a lot sooner."

Conclusion: How DealMaker Enables Full Brand Control

Understanding the importance of brand identity in capital-raising is one thing—having the tools and platform to effectively implement it is another. This is where self-hosted platforms come in, offering a superior alternative when it comes to brand control and identity management.

Unlike some platforms that constrain your ability to present your brand, a self-hosted solution provides you with full control over your campaign's look and feel. This means you can create a capital-raising campaign that truly reflects your company's unique identity, values, and vision.

With DealMaker, you're not just another listing on a crowded marketplace. Instead, you have the freedom to design a campaign page that stands out, tells your story effectively, and creates the emotional connections that drive investment decisions. From customizable layouts to the ability to use your own domain, DealMaker puts the power of branding back in your hands.

Moreover, DealMaker's platform ensures consistency across all investor touchpoints, from the initial campaign page to ongoing communications. This helps you maintain a professional image and build trust with your investors throughout the capital raising process and beyond.

In today's competitive landscape, having a strong, unique brand identity isn't just beneficial—it's essential. It helps you stand out, build connections, maintain consistency, increase memorability, and demonstrate credibility. By choosing a platform like DealMaker that understands the importance of brand identity and gives you the tools to express it fully, you're setting your capital raising campaign up for success.

Remember, your brand identity is more than just how you look—it's how you're remembered, perceived, and ultimately, why investors choose to believe in you. Make it count.