2022 Year in Review

December 22, 2022

Although a tumultuous 2022 for the markets, it's been a great year for DealMaker. We've won two key awards, notably Canada's 3rd Fastest Growing Company, and Rebecca Kacaba was named one of the Top 100 Most Powerful Women by the WXN.

Since January, we've powered over 350 raises, processed over 78,000 investments totalling over $492M for our issuers. We've seen an appetite for retail investors to continue to get in early, and even leverage Equity Crowdfunding as an alternative for investing in the public markets.

In total, we've now powered over 750 deals with total capital processed crossing $1.7 billion USD. Some of the top raises we've powered include the Miso Robotics Series E this year which brought total raised to over $60M, RAD Diversified raise of over $26M, and the Vine Ventures raise of $23M to name just a few.

Other notable achievements of 2022: 

1. Completed the acquisition of the Ridge Growth Agency (now DealMaker Reach) to power investor acquisition as part of our inhouse offering as well as launched a licensed Broker-Dealer service (DealMaker Securities) to power smoother integrated compliance

2. Increased our team size  by 89%, spanning North & South America

3. Over 500% year over year growth and Named the 3rd fastest growing company in Canada by the Globe & Mail

2022 Year in review at DealMaker. 53% of issuer recouped raise costs by leveraging ancillary fees. 19% of deals were for Teach/Sass or robotics startups. 3/10 investors were international. $492M payments processed in 2022. 78K investments processed, $2762 average investment amount.

*All funds are in USD

*Average investment amount was calculated with a weighted average, removing 'outlier' investments and focusing on retail investor averages.

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